The Message

On the bare alder bough,
I heard the sparrow sing;
To me a message it had brought
Of the returning Spring.

No leaf had yet unrolled
Its fresh and tender green,
No flower, in all its loveliness,
On hill or plain was seen.

Its sweet out-pouring joy
The winter's silence broke;
Of the green trees, and vernal flowers,
In plainest language spoke.

Not by man's voice alone,
God's messages are brought;
The birds' sweet strain, the opening flower,
Convey to us his thought.

The sparrows' welcome song
Will tell us of his love,
And, though the Maker is unseen,
His Presence with us prove.

Its notes of joy and praise
Proclaim his love, and care;
And far and wide through all our land,
Spring's joyful message bear.
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