A man morose and dull and sad —
Go ask him why he feels so bad.
Behold! He answers it is drink
That put his nerves upon the blink.
Another man whose smile and jest
Disclose a nature of the best —
What keeps his heart and spirit up?
Again we learn it is the cup.
The moral to this little bit
Is anything you make of it.
Such recondite philosophy
Is far away too much for me.
Go ask him why he feels so bad.
Behold! He answers it is drink
That put his nerves upon the blink.
Another man whose smile and jest
Disclose a nature of the best —
What keeps his heart and spirit up?
Again we learn it is the cup.
The moral to this little bit
Is anything you make of it.
Such recondite philosophy
Is far away too much for me.
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