The Mina-Bird

There lives a little Mina on the hills of Hindustan,
The most conceited Mina of his most conceited clan.

A cowry-shell he treasures, for a cowry may be spent
As money; — in the market it's a hundredth of a cent.

" I'm rich! " the Mina caroled just as loud as he could sing;
" I'm richer than the Rajah! " (And a Rajah is a king!)

The Rajah was offended by this most insulting lay;
He ordered out his Army and they took the shell away.

" The Rajah must be hungry! " sang the Mina; " don't you see?
The Rajah took my cowry, for the Rajah envied me! "

The Rajah wasn't ready for this method of attack;
He disciplined his Army and they gave the cowry back.

" I'm greater, " sang the Mina, " than the mightiest of men!
I forced the haughty Rajah to restore my wealth again! "

The Rajah sat and pondered on his gold-incrusted throne:
" I think, " said he, " my Councilors, we'll leave that Bird alone.

" He's rather prone to boastfulness, his voice is void of charm,
He lacks a Sense of Humor, but he can't do any harm. "

So still the Mina magnifies his grandeur everywhere;
Which makes him very happy — and the Rajah doesn't care.
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