The Mind the Greatest Mystery
I threw a stone into a cavern deep,
And listening heard it from the floor rebound;
It could not from my thought its secret keep,
Though hidden from the sight its depth I found;
I dropped a lead into the ocean brine,
That silent sank; I sought its depth to know;
And the swift running of the deep sea line
Told me how far was ocean's bed below;
By geometric skill I spanned the sky,
And found how far from earth the fixed star;
Through widening spaces glanced my wondering eye,
Where the last sun lights up the heavens afar;
But when, from these, I turned to explore the mind,
In vain or height, or depth I sought to find.
And listening heard it from the floor rebound;
It could not from my thought its secret keep,
Though hidden from the sight its depth I found;
I dropped a lead into the ocean brine,
That silent sank; I sought its depth to know;
And the swift running of the deep sea line
Told me how far was ocean's bed below;
By geometric skill I spanned the sky,
And found how far from earth the fixed star;
Through widening spaces glanced my wondering eye,
Where the last sun lights up the heavens afar;
But when, from these, I turned to explore the mind,
In vain or height, or depth I sought to find.
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