Miss Story's character! too much you ask
Miss Story's character! too much you ask,
When 'tis the confidante that sets the task.
How dare I paint Miss Story to Miss May?
And what if she my confidence betray!
What if my Subject, seeing this, resent
What were worth nothing if all compliment!
No: shewn to her it cannot but offend;
But candour never hurt the dearest friend .
Miss Story has a moderate power of will,
But, having that, believes it greater still:
And, hide it though she does, one may divine
She inly nourishes a wish to shine;
Is very capable of strong affection
Tho' apt to throw it in a strange direction;
Is fond of flattery, as any she,
But has not learnt to take it gracefully;
Things that she likes seems often to despise,
And loves — a fatal fault — to patronize;
Has wit enough, if she would make it known┬░
And charms — but they should be more freely shewn.
She's framed to triumph in adversity;
Prudence she has, but wise she'll never be;
About herself she is most sensitive,
Talks of self-sacrifice, yet can't forgive;
Her character she does not realize,
And cannot see at all with others' eyes;
(And, well supplied with virtues on the whole,
Is slightly selfish in her inmost soul)
Believes herself religious, and is not;
And, thinking that she thinks, has never thought;
Married, will make a sweet and matchless wife,
But single, lead a misdirected life.
When 'tis the confidante that sets the task.
How dare I paint Miss Story to Miss May?
And what if she my confidence betray!
What if my Subject, seeing this, resent
What were worth nothing if all compliment!
No: shewn to her it cannot but offend;
But candour never hurt the dearest friend .
Miss Story has a moderate power of will,
But, having that, believes it greater still:
And, hide it though she does, one may divine
She inly nourishes a wish to shine;
Is very capable of strong affection
Tho' apt to throw it in a strange direction;
Is fond of flattery, as any she,
But has not learnt to take it gracefully;
Things that she likes seems often to despise,
And loves — a fatal fault — to patronize;
Has wit enough, if she would make it known┬░
And charms — but they should be more freely shewn.
She's framed to triumph in adversity;
Prudence she has, but wise she'll never be;
About herself she is most sensitive,
Talks of self-sacrifice, yet can't forgive;
Her character she does not realize,
And cannot see at all with others' eyes;
(And, well supplied with virtues on the whole,
Is slightly selfish in her inmost soul)
Believes herself religious, and is not;
And, thinking that she thinks, has never thought;
Married, will make a sweet and matchless wife,
But single, lead a misdirected life.
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