A Mither's Lilt


My bonnie bairn,
My bonnie bairn,
My bonnie bairn, there's blessin's in yer e'e.
An' O ye hae a dainty mou', dainty mou', dainty mou' —
I wat ye hae the sweetest mou'
That ever kiss't wi' me.


A gentleman,
A gentleman,
A gentleman your fader's said to be:
But O he gart me rue a', rue a', rue a' —
At he'rt he gart me rue a'
Till ye cam' hame to me.


He does na ken,
He does na ken,
He canna ken the bonnie boy ye be;
Or nyod I think he 'd rue a', rue a', rue a' —
For pride o' you he 'd rue a'
That twyn't his he'rt fae me.


The pleesure o' 't,
The pleesure o' 't,
The pleesure o' 't he canna ken ava:
Ye 're just the dearest nickum O, nickum O, nickum O —
Yer mither's sweetest nickum O!
An' worth the wyte o' 't a'.


A bonnie lad,
A bonnie lad,
A bonnie lad I vow ye 'll come to be
For at yer he'rt there 's fire o' love, fire o' love, fire o' love;
An whar there is the fire o' love
A ferlie fouk may see.
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