For a man that is almost blind,
Lat him go barhed all day agein the wind,
Till the sonne be set.
At even wrap him in a cloke
And put him in a hous full of smoke,
And loke that every hol be well shet.
And when his eyen begine to rope,
Fill hem full of brimstone and sope,
And hill him well and warm:
And if he see not by the next mone,
As well at midnight as at none,
I shall lese my right arm!
Lat him go barhed all day agein the wind,
Till the sonne be set.
At even wrap him in a cloke
And put him in a hous full of smoke,
And loke that every hol be well shet.
And when his eyen begine to rope,
Fill hem full of brimstone and sope,
And hill him well and warm:
And if he see not by the next mone,
As well at midnight as at none,
I shall lese my right arm!
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