A Morning After Mourning
L ET me no longer Presse your gentle eies,
Be'ing of themselues franke of religious teares:
But stanch these streames with solace from the Skies
Whence Hymen deck'd in Saffron robes appeares.
Let Henry now rest in our memories,
And let the Rest , rest in our eies and eares.
Now He hath had his Rites, Let Those have their adorning
By whose bright beames our Night of mourning ha's a morning.
And now (my Muse) unmasque thee: And see how
A second Sonne in Henries place doth shine.
See Fiue great Feastes all meete in one Day, now.
Our Maker keepes his Sabaoth most divine.
Isis and Rhene are joyn'd in sacred vow;
And faire Eliza's Fredericke's Valentine.
The Court in joy attires hir splendent brow:
The Country shroues ; And all in mirth combine.
Fiue-times be hallowed The Day wherein God rests,
Saints triumph, Princes wed; and Court and Coutry feaste's.
Be'ing of themselues franke of religious teares:
But stanch these streames with solace from the Skies
Whence Hymen deck'd in Saffron robes appeares.
Let Henry now rest in our memories,
And let the Rest , rest in our eies and eares.
Now He hath had his Rites, Let Those have their adorning
By whose bright beames our Night of mourning ha's a morning.
And now (my Muse) unmasque thee: And see how
A second Sonne in Henries place doth shine.
See Fiue great Feastes all meete in one Day, now.
Our Maker keepes his Sabaoth most divine.
Isis and Rhene are joyn'd in sacred vow;
And faire Eliza's Fredericke's Valentine.
The Court in joy attires hir splendent brow:
The Country shroues ; And all in mirth combine.
Fiue-times be hallowed The Day wherein God rests,
Saints triumph, Princes wed; and Court and Coutry feaste's.
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