To the Most Noble and Right Honorably Disposed Lord, Thomas Earle of Suffolke
To the most noble and right honorably disposed lord Thomas Earle of Suffolke Lord Chamberlaine to his most excellent Ma & c
H EROICK and deere-naturde noble Lord,
Which doth extend itselfe to good them all
That follow thee, or doth with it accord;
Vouchsafe to let me let thy name to fall
Out of my pen among thy fellow-peeres,
With care (past care) which doth to it belong;
Whose goodnesse vnto all itselfe endeeres,
As did thy plaine (yet princely) fathers, long;
For which he was a member best belou'd
That e're this State produc'd beneath the head;
Then thine, by his deere nature being mou'd,
Must gaine like loue but cheaper purchased;
That all may say (when thy deere life is done)
For gayning (cost lesse) loue, such sire, such sonne.
H EROICK and deere-naturde noble Lord,
Which doth extend itselfe to good them all
That follow thee, or doth with it accord;
Vouchsafe to let me let thy name to fall
Out of my pen among thy fellow-peeres,
With care (past care) which doth to it belong;
Whose goodnesse vnto all itselfe endeeres,
As did thy plaine (yet princely) fathers, long;
For which he was a member best belou'd
That e're this State produc'd beneath the head;
Then thine, by his deere nature being mou'd,
Must gaine like loue but cheaper purchased;
That all may say (when thy deere life is done)
For gayning (cost lesse) loue, such sire, such sonne.
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