To the Most Nobly-Disposed Knight Sir Hugh Smith
To the most nobly-disposed Knight Sir Hugh Smith
T O thee that art the glory of the West
And comfort of the coast where thou dost wonne;
The staffe of stay to all that are distrest,
To whome (none more) vncessantly they runne;
Whose house stands open (as did Abrahams tents)
To all by-passers of what ere degree:
Thou dost enioy no house, goods, lands nor rents.
That other men do not enioy with thee
Yet spendst thou euen as thou still must spend:
Thy hand is open but not too profuse:
Yet that's of witt not nature, to the end
Thou maist vse wealth that wealth thou still must vse:
To thee then (deerest Knight) I doe ascribe
The glory of thy country, name and tribe.
T O thee that art the glory of the West
And comfort of the coast where thou dost wonne;
The staffe of stay to all that are distrest,
To whome (none more) vncessantly they runne;
Whose house stands open (as did Abrahams tents)
To all by-passers of what ere degree:
Thou dost enioy no house, goods, lands nor rents.
That other men do not enioy with thee
Yet spendst thou euen as thou still must spend:
Thy hand is open but not too profuse:
Yet that's of witt not nature, to the end
Thou maist vse wealth that wealth thou still must vse:
To thee then (deerest Knight) I doe ascribe
The glory of thy country, name and tribe.
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