To mother India
O Mother! How did these Foreign Devils invade your home?
Was it, perhaps, not an invasion at first?
But, ‘twere I who welcomed them in!
Alas! When strength I had, how virtuous was I-
Looting these Foreigners I deemed to be a sin.
Once I overcome my stupor, O Mother,
This very righteousness will curse me!
While you are being violated so-
Your Son is unable to entertain even the thought of killing a ferocious beast!
Forsaken God Nrusimha, The Protector, have I!
To mere Cow worship have I turned.
Alas! Before a tiger become I,
More docile than the very Cow I worship!
Ah! Who has stung you? Wounded you with deadly poison?
Woe betide me! T'was the very Snake I nourished with milk-
He sank his teeth in you!
[Translated by by Anurupa Cinar]
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