To Mr. Thomson


C HARM'D and instructed by thy powerful song,
I have, unjust, withheld my thanks too long:
This debt of gratitude at length receive;
Warmly sincere, 'tis all a friend can give.

Thy worth new lights the poet's darken'd name,
And shows it, blazing, in the brightest fame.
Through all thy various Winter full are found
Magnificence of thought and pomp of sound,
Clear depth of sense, expression's heightening grace,
And goodness, eminent in power and place.
For this, the wise, the knowing few commend
With zealous joy — for thou art virtue's friend:
Even age and truth severe, in reading thee,
That Heaven inspires the muse, convinced agree.

Thus I dare sing of merit faintly known,
Friendless, supported by itself alone:
For those whose aided will could lift thee high
In fortune, see not with discernment's eye.
Nor place nor power bestows the sight refined,
And wealth enlarges not the narrow mind.

How couldst thou think of such, and write so well?
Or hope reward by daring to excel?
Unskilful of the age! untaught to gain
Those favours which the fawning base obtain
A thousand shameful arts to thee unknown,
Falsehood and flattery must be first thy own.
If thy loved country lingers in thy breast,
Thou must drive out the unprofitable guest;
Extinguish each bright aim that kindles there,
And centre in thyself thy every care.

But hence that vileness! pleased to charm mankind,
Cast each low thought of interest far behind:
Neglected into noble scorn, away
From that worn path where vulgar poets stray!
Inglorious herd, profuse of venal lays,
And by the pride despised they stoop to praise!
Thou, careless of the statesman's smile or frown,
Tread that straight way that leads to fair renown.
By virtue guided, and by glory fired,
And by reluctant envy slow admired,
Dare to do well, and in thy boundless mind
Embrace the general welfare of thy kind:
Enrich them with the treasures of thy thought,
What Heaven approves and what the Muse has taught;
Where thy power fails, unable to go on,
Ambitious, greatly will the good undone.
So shall thy name through ages brightening shine,
And distant praise from worth unborn be thine:
So shalt thou, happy! merit Heaven's regard,
And find a glorious, though a late reward.


C HARM'D and instructed by thy powerful song,
I have, unjust, withheld my thanks too long:
This debt of gratitude at length receive;
Warmly sincere, 'tis all a friend can give.

Thy worth new lights the poet's darken'd name,
And shows it, blazing, in the brightest fame.
Through all thy various Winter full are found
Magnificence of thought and pomp of sound,
Clear depth of sense, expression's heightening grace,
And goodness, eminent in power and place.
For this, the wise, the knowing few commend
With zealous joy — for thou art virtue's friend:
Even age and truth severe, in reading thee,
That Heaven inspires the muse, convinced agree.

Thus I dare sing of merit faintly known,
Friendless, supported by itself alone:
For those whose aided will could lift thee high
In fortune, see not with discernment's eye.
Nor place nor power bestows the sight refined,
And wealth enlarges not the narrow mind.

How couldst thou think of such, and write so well?
Or hope reward by daring to excel?
Unskilful of the age! untaught to gain
Those favours which the fawning base obtain
A thousand shameful arts to thee unknown,
Falsehood and flattery must be first thy own.
If thy loved country lingers in thy breast,
Thou must drive out the unprofitable guest;
Extinguish each bright aim that kindles there,
And centre in thyself thy every care.

But hence that vileness! pleased to charm mankind,
Cast each low thought of interest far behind:
Neglected into noble scorn, away
From that worn path where vulgar poets stray!
Inglorious herd, profuse of venal lays,
And by the pride despised they stoop to praise!
Thou, careless of the statesman's smile or frown,
Tread that straight way that leads to fair renown.
By virtue guided, and by glory fired,
And by reluctant envy slow admired,
Dare to do well, and in thy boundless mind
Embrace the general welfare of thy kind:
Enrich them with the treasures of thy thought,
What Heaven approves and what the Muse has taught;
Where thy power fails, unable to go on,
Ambitious, greatly will the good undone.
So shall thy name through ages brightening shine,
And distant praise from worth unborn be thine:
So shalt thou, happy! merit Heaven's regard,
And find a glorious, though a late reward.
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