To Mrs. S. F. on her incomparable Poems

Thou Champion for our Sex go on and show
Ambitious Man what Womankind can do
In vain they boast of large Scholastick Rules,
Their skill in Arts and Labour in the Schools.
What various Tongues and Languages acquir'd,
How fam'd for Policy, for Wit admir'd;
Their solid Judgment in Philosophy,
The Metaphysicks, Truths, and Poetry,
Since here they'll find themselves outdon by thee.
Thy matchless Thoughts, and flowing Numbers sweet,
And lofty Flights, in just Conjunction meet;
Thy mighty Genius can each Subject trace,
The best can equal and to none give Place.
Sappho the Great, whom by report we know,
Would yield her Laurels were she living now,
And strait turn Chast, to gain a Friend of you
Of you! to whom we all Obedience pay,
And at your Feet our humble Tribute lay,
Whilst all around, your Beams dart like the God of Day;
We bask with Pleasure in your Glorious shine,
And read and wonder at your Verse Divine.
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