
I never thought I'd drag my pen through politics again,
But certain dear good friends of mine have Murphy on the brain.
And Murphy is a good French name as you will all agree;
Besides, a mate believes in him and that's enough for me —
So vote for Cecil Murphy in the morning.

He was two years in Parliament when times were pretty grim —
He must be fairly straight because I never heard of him.
He'll build a bridge to Hell and back and put the tunnel through;
He'll wake up old North Sydney, and, Good Lord, it wants it too.
So vote for Cecil Murphy in the morning.

He taught a school in Regent Street, and that should be a test;
And he has been a corporal and cobbers with the best.
I don't know what it's all about; I think we never shall —
I simply ask each fellow mug and cobber, skirt and pal
To vote for Cecil Murphy in the morning.

I never voted in my life — I'd rather breast the bar,
Though I might jolt a " Minister " " when I touch my guitar. "
I've never been in Parliament because I never tried,
But I'm for any one that's out and wants to get inside.
So vote for Cecil Murphy in the morning.

All little men are little men when standing in a row,
But some of them can fight all right (I fought one and I know),
And what is needed in the House is just a blooming row —
And Murphy is a likely name, so make your minds up now —
And vote for little Murphy in the morning.
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