My Dear Lady

Am not I in blessed case,
Treasure and pleasure to possess?
I would not wish no better place,
If I may still have wealthiness,
And to enjoy in perfect peace,
My lady, lady.
My pleasant pleasure shall increase,
My dear lady.

Helen may not compared be,
Nor Cressida that was so bright,
These cannot stain the shine of thee,
Nor yet Minerva of great might.
Thou passest Venus far away,
Lady, lady,
Love thee I will both night and day,
My dear Lady.

My mouse, my nobs, my coney sweet,
My hope and joy, my whole delight,
Dame Nature may fall at thy feet,
And may yield to thee her crown of right.
I will thy body now embrace,
Lady, lady,
And kiss thy sweet and pleasant face,
My dear Lady.
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