To My Deere Pupill and Highly Honord Friend, Thomas Puckering Esquire

To my deere pupill and highly honord friend, Thomas Puckering Esquire

I DO protest (alas, that's easly done,
Sith all the world doth nothing but protest)
Your beames of fauor warme me like the sunne
That darts his comforts' beames from East to West
From East to West (so farre our fortunes flee
Each other fro) from you the rising East
To mee, the falling West, they stretched bee;
Where till they higher rise they lowely rest.
And though (like Thetis) I them entertaine
With streames of brackish teares, rais'd high by ioy:
Yet this good do they by their rest obtaine;
They do their vertue kindly so imploy,
That when they rise againe to set in mee,
I may receaue the same, and shine through thee.
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