To My Fountain Pen
O fluent fountain pen of mine,
Methought once that the mighty line
Was not to be inscribed by thee,
But now the light has come to me.
The other night, at half-past ten,
" Hey, leave me take your fountain pen! "
Said Edna Ferber. And she wrote
Some stuff posterity may quote,
" O grant me of thy benefice, "
Said Zona Gale, of Portage, Wis.,
" The loan of that there monster quill. "
" Why, sure, Miss Gale, " I said, " I will. "
And then she wrote, with this here plume,
Phrases that flower and words that bloom.
" Your courtesy I shan't forget, "
Said she who wrote " Miss Lulu Bett. "
And Mr. Ade said, " Leave me take
That fountain pen of yours. " (To make,
Perchance, a line as sound and sure
As ever dented Literature.)
And so, fair fountain pen of mine,
Thou canst inscribe the mighty line
Perhaps, if such a thing can be,
The difficulty lies with me.
O fluent fountain pen of mine,
Methought once that the mighty line
Was not to be inscribed by thee,
But now the light has come to me.
The other night, at half-past ten,
" Hey, leave me take your fountain pen! "
Said Edna Ferber. And she wrote
Some stuff posterity may quote,
" O grant me of thy benefice, "
Said Zona Gale, of Portage, Wis.,
" The loan of that there monster quill. "
" Why, sure, Miss Gale, " I said, " I will. "
And then she wrote, with this here plume,
Phrases that flower and words that bloom.
" Your courtesy I shan't forget, "
Said she who wrote " Miss Lulu Bett. "
And Mr. Ade said, " Leave me take
That fountain pen of yours. " (To make,
Perchance, a line as sound and sure
As ever dented Literature.)
And so, fair fountain pen of mine,
Thou canst inscribe the mighty line
Perhaps, if such a thing can be,
The difficulty lies with me.
Methought once that the mighty line
Was not to be inscribed by thee,
But now the light has come to me.
The other night, at half-past ten,
" Hey, leave me take your fountain pen! "
Said Edna Ferber. And she wrote
Some stuff posterity may quote,
" O grant me of thy benefice, "
Said Zona Gale, of Portage, Wis.,
" The loan of that there monster quill. "
" Why, sure, Miss Gale, " I said, " I will. "
And then she wrote, with this here plume,
Phrases that flower and words that bloom.
" Your courtesy I shan't forget, "
Said she who wrote " Miss Lulu Bett. "
And Mr. Ade said, " Leave me take
That fountain pen of yours. " (To make,
Perchance, a line as sound and sure
As ever dented Literature.)
And so, fair fountain pen of mine,
Thou canst inscribe the mighty line
Perhaps, if such a thing can be,
The difficulty lies with me.
O fluent fountain pen of mine,
Methought once that the mighty line
Was not to be inscribed by thee,
But now the light has come to me.
The other night, at half-past ten,
" Hey, leave me take your fountain pen! "
Said Edna Ferber. And she wrote
Some stuff posterity may quote,
" O grant me of thy benefice, "
Said Zona Gale, of Portage, Wis.,
" The loan of that there monster quill. "
" Why, sure, Miss Gale, " I said, " I will. "
And then she wrote, with this here plume,
Phrases that flower and words that bloom.
" Your courtesy I shan't forget, "
Said she who wrote " Miss Lulu Bett. "
And Mr. Ade said, " Leave me take
That fountain pen of yours. " (To make,
Perchance, a line as sound and sure
As ever dented Literature.)
And so, fair fountain pen of mine,
Thou canst inscribe the mighty line
Perhaps, if such a thing can be,
The difficulty lies with me.
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