My Hope Is in God

Spes mea in Deo est;
Spes mea in Deo est.
When lordechype ys loste and lusti lekyng withall,
When felichepe fayleth, and frendechepe dothe falle,
Then can Y no comfort but cry and call,
" Spes mea in Deo est."

When maystery ne mayntenaunce, manhode ne myght,
When reson ne rechesse may rewell me aryght,
Then Y, wit sorwe and care within my herte plyght:
" Spes mea in Deo est."

When age dothe growe, then grucche Y and grone;
When febelnesse fallith, then fawte Y sone;
Then can Y non other but cry and call anone,
" Spes mea in Deo est."
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