To my Lady Ann Boyle's saying I look'd angrily upon her

Ador'd Valeria, and can you conclude
Orinda lost in such Ingratitude?
And so mispell the language of my Face,
When in my heart you have so great a place?
Ah! be assur'd I could no look direct
To you, not full of Passion and respect;
Or if my looks have play'd that treacherous part,
And so much misinterpreted my heart,
I shall forgive them that one falshood less
Then all their folly, and their Uglyness;
And had much rather choose they should appear
Always unhandsom, then once unsincere
But I must thank your Errour, which procures
Me such obliging Jealousy as yours:
For at that quarrell I can ne're repine,
Which shews your Kindness, though it questions mine.
To your Concern I pardon your Distrust,
And prize your Love, ev'n when it is unjust.
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