To My Much Honored and Ever Remembred Lord, the Lord Hayes
Thou gau'st me in trest in a parte of thine,
Not knowing me or mine: Then needes must I
Giue thee (belouèd lord) a parte of mine;
That is a parte of my whole memory.
When I doe write, I will remember thee,
Who didst remember me when once I writ:
When I doe speake thou shalt remembred be,
And when I thinke Ile mind thy benefit:
So whether I doe thinke, or speake, or write
I will remember thee, and doe thee right.
Right curteous and as honorable Knight,
The loue I beare vnto thy worth and name
Prouokes me (weakling) to extend my might
To adde one feather to thy towring fame;
And could I (as I would) new wing the same,
It should so pyniond be that it should rise
(In spight of stormes) aboue ambitions ame,
And quite transcend all crescets of the skyes;
To make the christall heauen with glory flame:
But sith aboue my pow'r this vertue lyes,
This poore effectlesse offer may suffize
To shew my will, and what my wit orecame
But tis Wits praise to yeelde (as most vnable)
Vnto the worth of such a Constable.
Not knowing me or mine: Then needes must I
Giue thee (belouèd lord) a parte of mine;
That is a parte of my whole memory.
When I doe write, I will remember thee,
Who didst remember me when once I writ:
When I doe speake thou shalt remembred be,
And when I thinke Ile mind thy benefit:
So whether I doe thinke, or speake, or write
I will remember thee, and doe thee right.
Right curteous and as honorable Knight,
The loue I beare vnto thy worth and name
Prouokes me (weakling) to extend my might
To adde one feather to thy towring fame;
And could I (as I would) new wing the same,
It should so pyniond be that it should rise
(In spight of stormes) aboue ambitions ame,
And quite transcend all crescets of the skyes;
To make the christall heauen with glory flame:
But sith aboue my pow'r this vertue lyes,
This poore effectlesse offer may suffize
To shew my will, and what my wit orecame
But tis Wits praise to yeelde (as most vnable)
Vnto the worth of such a Constable.
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