To My Much Honored and Intirely Beloved Friend Sir Basile Brooke Knight

To my much honored and intirely beloued friend Sir Basile Brooke Knight.

E PIG . 284.

C LEERE Brooke wherein the Muses bathe themselues,
 And nectar'd streames of Helicon do fleete;
Whose posey bancks delight the fairy-elues;
Sith all the verdure smells (as Basill) sweete.
To thee (sweet Muse-delighting Basil'd Brooke)
These Castall droppes descend from Loues high spheare;
But falling through my cloudy braine, they tooke
Some soile vnworthie thee: which thou wilt cleare:
For (like a diamond) though that black thou bee,
Yet being cleare (as deere) thei'l cleare in thee.
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