To My Much Honored and Sincerely Beloved Friend, Sir Francis Smith, Knight
To my much honored and sincerely beloued friend, Sir Francis Smith, Knight.
E PIG . 235.
The small esteeme you of your woorth do make,
Augments your price (deere knight) in true account;
To bee in life, yet pride of life forsake
Is base (Pride deemes) yet that shall make you mount
You and your brothers do so well accord
That it makes life in grief abound with loy:
Who ioynèd (like a fiue-fold twisted corde)
Hold fast your hearts to comfort in annoy
In mine obseruance neuer saw I yet
So good and kind a confraternity;
Mirrours to brothers (who themselues forget)
To minde them by example and the eye:
Good Knight (to choose) I would haue beene none other
(Seeing what I see) by bloud but borne thy brother.
E PIG . 235.
The small esteeme you of your woorth do make,
Augments your price (deere knight) in true account;
To bee in life, yet pride of life forsake
Is base (Pride deemes) yet that shall make you mount
You and your brothers do so well accord
That it makes life in grief abound with loy:
Who ioynèd (like a fiue-fold twisted corde)
Hold fast your hearts to comfort in annoy
In mine obseruance neuer saw I yet
So good and kind a confraternity;
Mirrours to brothers (who themselues forget)
To minde them by example and the eye:
Good Knight (to choose) I would haue beene none other
(Seeing what I see) by bloud but borne thy brother.
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