My Native Home

Oh! liberty my native land,
From thee how can I bear to roam,
Or leave thy patriotic band,
A stranger to my native home.

The distant isles aspire to thee,
And plough the ocean's brackish foam,
A land from despotism free,
My birthright and my native home.

No, let me die upon thy shore,
And freedom flourish o'er my tomb;
Heaven grant me seraph's wings to soar,
And leave in peace my native home.

Should I sail to some distant plain,
Where pleasures laurels fail to bloom,
Oh! fortune o'er the stormy main,
Back waft me to my native home.

Tho' gold and pearls abundant shine,
And fortune crown the flowery dome,
But fair Columbia thou art mine,
The lot of peace my native home.

When smoke from mortars vein the sky,
With thunders from the shattering bomb,
Oh! let me then with safety fly,
For shelter to my native home.

Let this be chased in my breast,
Through this and future years to come,
My last abode, my final rest,
Be lodged with thee, my native home.
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