My Own Birth Day
Were few & Evil stil'd the Patriarchs Days,
Extended to a Length of Years unknown
In this luxurious Age whose swift Decays,
Allow to few so many as my own.
And what are they? — a Vision all the past,
A Bubble on the Waters shining Face,
What yet remain 'till the first transient Blast
Shall leave no more Remembrance of their Place.
Still few & evil, as the Days of old,
Are those allotted to the Race of Man,
And three score Years in sounding Numbers told,
Where's the Amount? — a Shadow & a Span. —
Look back through this long Tide of rolling Years
Since early Reason gave Reflection Birth,
Recall each sad Occasion of thy Tears,
Then say can Happiness be found on Earth?
Pass former Strokes — the recent only name!
A Brother whom no healing Art could save,
In Life's full Prime unnerv'd his manly Frame
From wasting Pains took Refuge in the Grave. —
A Sister who long causeless Anguish knew,
A tender Parent & a patient Wife,
Calmly she bore the bitter Lot she drew,
And clos'd her Sorrows with her Close of Life.
A darling Child, all lovely, all admir'd,
Snatch'd from our Arms in Youths engaging Bloom
A Lazur turn'd e'er his short Date expir'd,
And laid a piteous Object in the Tomb.
Your Memory from my Breast shall never stray
Should years to Patriarchal Age extend,
Thro' Glooms of Night, thro' social Hours of Day
The starting Tear stands ready to descend. —
But tho' I mourn, not without Hope I mourn,
Dear kindred Shades! tho' all unknown your Place
Tho' to these Eyes you never must return,
You're safe in the Infinitude of Space. —
One all disposing God who gave you Birth,
That Life sustain'd which his good Pleasure gave,
Then cut you off from ev'ry Claim on Earth,
Is the same guardian God beyond the Grave.
Tho' by impenetrable Darkness veil'd,
Your separate State lies hid from mortal Sight,
The Saviour, Friend of Man, Messiah hail'd,
Brought Life & Immortality to Light.
Rest then my Soul — in these Appointments rest,
And down the Steep of Age pursue thy Way,
With humble Hope, & Faith unfailing blest,
The mortal shall surpass the natal Day.
Extended to a Length of Years unknown
In this luxurious Age whose swift Decays,
Allow to few so many as my own.
And what are they? — a Vision all the past,
A Bubble on the Waters shining Face,
What yet remain 'till the first transient Blast
Shall leave no more Remembrance of their Place.
Still few & evil, as the Days of old,
Are those allotted to the Race of Man,
And three score Years in sounding Numbers told,
Where's the Amount? — a Shadow & a Span. —
Look back through this long Tide of rolling Years
Since early Reason gave Reflection Birth,
Recall each sad Occasion of thy Tears,
Then say can Happiness be found on Earth?
Pass former Strokes — the recent only name!
A Brother whom no healing Art could save,
In Life's full Prime unnerv'd his manly Frame
From wasting Pains took Refuge in the Grave. —
A Sister who long causeless Anguish knew,
A tender Parent & a patient Wife,
Calmly she bore the bitter Lot she drew,
And clos'd her Sorrows with her Close of Life.
A darling Child, all lovely, all admir'd,
Snatch'd from our Arms in Youths engaging Bloom
A Lazur turn'd e'er his short Date expir'd,
And laid a piteous Object in the Tomb.
Your Memory from my Breast shall never stray
Should years to Patriarchal Age extend,
Thro' Glooms of Night, thro' social Hours of Day
The starting Tear stands ready to descend. —
But tho' I mourn, not without Hope I mourn,
Dear kindred Shades! tho' all unknown your Place
Tho' to these Eyes you never must return,
You're safe in the Infinitude of Space. —
One all disposing God who gave you Birth,
That Life sustain'd which his good Pleasure gave,
Then cut you off from ev'ry Claim on Earth,
Is the same guardian God beyond the Grave.
Tho' by impenetrable Darkness veil'd,
Your separate State lies hid from mortal Sight,
The Saviour, Friend of Man, Messiah hail'd,
Brought Life & Immortality to Light.
Rest then my Soul — in these Appointments rest,
And down the Steep of Age pursue thy Way,
With humble Hope, & Faith unfailing blest,
The mortal shall surpass the natal Day.
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