My Text Paraphrased, and Faith Exhibited
Gods Son Incarnate , now Akin
To miserable me,
From all the Miseries of Sin
Sets me at Libertie.
By His full Price to Justice paid,
my Bonds of Death are Eas'd:
By His Great Pow'r thereon display'd,
Deaths Prisoner is Releas'd.
That the Almighty JESUS is
My own Redeemer now,
By my Consenting to be His ,
On Terms of Grace, I know .
I Know that my Redeemer Lives ;
His Grave detain'd Him not;
Enthron'd, from His High Throne He gives,
What in His Grave He bought.
And now, I know that all He said,
must be for ever True;
His being Risen from the Dead
His glorious Truth doth shew.
I Know , when I or Mine shall Dy ,
We shall to Heaven go;
Since our Fore-runner Lives on High
concern'd for us below.
To miserable me,
From all the Miseries of Sin
Sets me at Libertie.
By His full Price to Justice paid,
my Bonds of Death are Eas'd:
By His Great Pow'r thereon display'd,
Deaths Prisoner is Releas'd.
That the Almighty JESUS is
My own Redeemer now,
By my Consenting to be His ,
On Terms of Grace, I know .
I Know that my Redeemer Lives ;
His Grave detain'd Him not;
Enthron'd, from His High Throne He gives,
What in His Grave He bought.
And now, I know that all He said,
must be for ever True;
His being Risen from the Dead
His glorious Truth doth shew.
I Know , when I or Mine shall Dy ,
We shall to Heaven go;
Since our Fore-runner Lives on High
concern'd for us below.
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