To My Worthily-Disposed Friend Mr. Sam Daniell
To my worthily-disposed friend Mr. Sam. Daniell.
I HEARE thy Muse in Court doth trauell now;
Arte speede her feete and Grace (there) speede her plow:
If they come short, then gaine by other drifts,
The more thou getst, the more its like thy gnifts.
If yet too short; (to ad another size)
Get one Footes length, thou by thy feete shalt rise
With Pegasus from Pernasse to the skyes.
I HEARE thy Muse in Court doth trauell now;
Arte speede her feete and Grace (there) speede her plow:
If they come short, then gaine by other drifts,
The more thou getst, the more its like thy gnifts.
If yet too short; (to ad another size)
Get one Footes length, thou by thy feete shalt rise
With Pegasus from Pernasse to the skyes.
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