To My Worthy and Worthily-Beloved Friend Sir Edward Parrham Knight
To my worthy and worthily-beloued friend Sir Edward Parrham Knight.
You might except against me iustly, if I should
Neglect to mention you my friends among,
When as your worthes so deere, so manifold
Incite my pen to place you in the throng
Of those for worth I honour: No, it shall
Shedd ynek vpon your name that still shall shine
And varnish it with praise, the summe of all
Wee giue to persons humane or deuine:
For if minds generous so praisèd bee,
I iustly may with that praise pollish thee.
You might except against me iustly, if I should
Neglect to mention you my friends among,
When as your worthes so deere, so manifold
Incite my pen to place you in the throng
Of those for worth I honour: No, it shall
Shedd ynek vpon your name that still shall shine
And varnish it with praise, the summe of all
Wee giue to persons humane or deuine:
For if minds generous so praisèd bee,
I iustly may with that praise pollish thee.
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