To My Worthy and Worthily Beloved Scholor, Thomas Bodenham Esquier
And if among them that are deere to mee,
(Remembered by my Pen, my Muses Tongue)
I should forget to shew my loue to thee,
My selfe, but much more thee, I so should wrong
Nay, wrong the right which I to thee doe owe
But neuer shall my loue so guilefull proue,
As not to pay thee so deseru'd a due,
For I confesse thou well deseru'st my loue.
Thou wert my Scholer, and if I should teach
So good a Pupill such a Lesson ill
(By mine example) I might so impeach
Mine honest fame, and quite disgrace my skill
But when I learne thee such detested Lore,
Then loathe my loue, and learne of me no more.
(Remembered by my Pen, my Muses Tongue)
I should forget to shew my loue to thee,
My selfe, but much more thee, I so should wrong
Nay, wrong the right which I to thee doe owe
But neuer shall my loue so guilefull proue,
As not to pay thee so deseru'd a due,
For I confesse thou well deseru'st my loue.
Thou wert my Scholer, and if I should teach
So good a Pupill such a Lesson ill
(By mine example) I might so impeach
Mine honest fame, and quite disgrace my skill
But when I learne thee such detested Lore,
Then loathe my loue, and learne of me no more.
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