To My Worthy Friend Mr. Isacke Simonds
To my worthy kinde friend Mr. Isacke Simonds.
Thine out and inside both, seeme such to me
As were I Arthure, thou my knight shouldst be;
And at my Table Round shouldst haue a place,
To shew the worlde how thou sat'st in my grace;
But sith that can not be, this may and can,
Play thou the King of Harts, He play thy man,
But not the knave, though all the worlde we wan.
Thine out and inside both, seeme such to me
As were I Arthure, thou my knight shouldst be;
And at my Table Round shouldst haue a place,
To shew the worlde how thou sat'st in my grace;
But sith that can not be, this may and can,
Play thou the King of Harts, He play thy man,
But not the knave, though all the worlde we wan.
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