To Myne Ancient Friend and Kinde Countryman, Mr Philip King-man
To myne ancient friend and kinde countryman Mr Philip King-man.
Why King-man Philip? Whist, and me attend;
Ile answer for thee, sith thou art my friend;
Thou art a king in ruling thy desires,
And man for doing that which reas'n requires:
So do (good Phillip) still, the good is thine;
And so shalt still bee, thy good friend, and myne.
Why King-man Philip? Whist, and me attend;
Ile answer for thee, sith thou art my friend;
Thou art a king in ruling thy desires,
And man for doing that which reas'n requires:
So do (good Phillip) still, the good is thine;
And so shalt still bee, thy good friend, and myne.
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