The National Guard
La garde nationale.
On all Paris an outrage behold!
For our force, O good friends, they disband:
Is't because we were strikingly bold,
And against their allies made a stand?
Zounds! there's some gloomy project in view:
Our own safety to place beyond doubt,
The old exercise each must go through,
And with aye the same foot must step out
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Of the National Guard, it is true,
The one-half did old soldiers comprise;
On the brave of the Royal Guard, too,
We had oft looked with favoring eyes
Were it not for this government plan,
Without question the day would have come,
When, whilst they would have quaffed from our can,
We ourselves should have marched to their drum
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Though our voices were heard with a frown;
Ne'ertheless we must raise them again,
Crying, " Down with the ministers, down
With the whole Jesuitical train! "
For their money, I hold that the crowd
Have a right any wishes to make:
To cry fire is it only allowed,
When the house is beginning to shake?
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Now I feel 'twas no manner of use
At the Chamber that guard we should mount:
We, for more than one member's abuse,
Should have made the three hundred account!
As their rampart the Charter they hail,
Though such liberties with it they take:
Such a wall it were easy to scale,
By the breaches that in it they make.
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
At the palace on duty to be,
Whilst for safety a cartridge we lack;
Every Swiss well-provided to see;
This may tempt one, in truth, to look back.
All respect, O Court-people, for you!
To retrace is to blunder, by Heaven!
Yet it seems that you risk '92
In the hope to regain '87.
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Since Mont Rouge o'er us menacing lowers,
And a sort of Saint Barthel'my dreams,
Let's prepare, notwithstanding their powers,
Such repulse for the foe as beseems.
When the ship hurries on to her wreck,
Steered by ignorance over the wave,
In despite of the Captain on deck,
'Tis our duty the vessel to save!
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
La garde nationale.
On all Paris an outrage behold!
For our force, O good friends, they disband:
Is't because we were strikingly bold,
And against their allies made a stand?
Zounds! there's some gloomy project in view:
Our own safety to place beyond doubt,
The old exercise each must go through,
And with aye the same foot must step out
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Of the National Guard, it is true,
The one-half did old soldiers comprise;
On the brave of the Royal Guard, too,
We had oft looked with favoring eyes
Were it not for this government plan,
Without question the day would have come,
When, whilst they would have quaffed from our can,
We ourselves should have marched to their drum
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Though our voices were heard with a frown;
Ne'ertheless we must raise them again,
Crying, " Down with the ministers, down
With the whole Jesuitical train! "
For their money, I hold that the crowd
Have a right any wishes to make:
To cry fire is it only allowed,
When the house is beginning to shake?
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Now I feel 'twas no manner of use
At the Chamber that guard we should mount:
We, for more than one member's abuse,
Should have made the three hundred account!
As their rampart the Charter they hail,
Though such liberties with it they take:
Such a wall it were easy to scale,
By the breaches that in it they make.
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
At the palace on duty to be,
Whilst for safety a cartridge we lack;
Every Swiss well-provided to see;
This may tempt one, in truth, to look back.
All respect, O Court-people, for you!
To retrace is to blunder, by Heaven!
Yet it seems that you risk '92
In the hope to regain '87.
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
Since Mont Rouge o'er us menacing lowers,
And a sort of Saint Barthel'my dreams,
Let's prepare, notwithstanding their powers,
Such repulse for the foe as beseems.
When the ship hurries on to her wreck,
Steered by ignorance over the wave,
In despite of the Captain on deck,
'Tis our duty the vessel to save!
Nay, friends, don't let us give up yet;
Nor how to keep the time forget!
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