The New Jerusalem
O New Jerusalem! abode unseen,
Yet now as in all ages past,
Thou art the bourne to which in deep despair
Or hope, men turn their face at last.
It matters not what race, or clime or creed
In life has swayed the powers given,
'Tis always true that men about to die
Will turn a longing heart to heaven.
In youth ambition leads the mind along
The way of hope and sweet delights,
Fulfilling just enough its promises
To point out more desired heights.
And so for more of gold, or fame or power,
Or for the bare necessities of life,
Succeeding generations go the rounds
Of failure or successive strife.
But O, when age creeps on and life begins
The gliding downward to its west,
There comes a deep solicitude alike
To fill the rich or beggar's breast.
Far out beyond the stretch of space and time,
Beyond experience or ken,
The soul immortal thoughtfully must face
The common destiny of men.
The always poor and long despised of earth,
To whom so many woes of life are given
By faith or blind instinct are comforted,
And hope for better things in heaven,
And lives all hopelessly ensnared with sin
Too much to ever here undo,
When every other hope is gone will hope
To live in heaven their lives anew.
O, many are the weary souls and tired feet
From every rank and walk of life,
At last come gladly to that borderland,
Where men lay down all pain and strife.
Oft timorously with sore and fainting hearts
They wait the dipping boatman's oar,
But oh! the pilot there is kind who guides
The boat to that Celestial shore.
And there a king and kingdom without end
Shall be to all as thine and mine,
And never once a discord in His rule,
But always harmony divine.
The palace gates shall not be shut by night,
There hearts shall never beat with fears,
Nor ever ache, for O, the King is kind,
And wipes away all bitter tears.
O New Jerusalem! abode unseen,
Yet now as in all ages past,
Thou art the bourne to which we all must turn,
For all there is to life at last.
There deep and lasting is the law of love,
As all eternity is wide,
And all inhabitants for time and aye
With God himself abide.
Yet now as in all ages past,
Thou art the bourne to which in deep despair
Or hope, men turn their face at last.
It matters not what race, or clime or creed
In life has swayed the powers given,
'Tis always true that men about to die
Will turn a longing heart to heaven.
In youth ambition leads the mind along
The way of hope and sweet delights,
Fulfilling just enough its promises
To point out more desired heights.
And so for more of gold, or fame or power,
Or for the bare necessities of life,
Succeeding generations go the rounds
Of failure or successive strife.
But O, when age creeps on and life begins
The gliding downward to its west,
There comes a deep solicitude alike
To fill the rich or beggar's breast.
Far out beyond the stretch of space and time,
Beyond experience or ken,
The soul immortal thoughtfully must face
The common destiny of men.
The always poor and long despised of earth,
To whom so many woes of life are given
By faith or blind instinct are comforted,
And hope for better things in heaven,
And lives all hopelessly ensnared with sin
Too much to ever here undo,
When every other hope is gone will hope
To live in heaven their lives anew.
O, many are the weary souls and tired feet
From every rank and walk of life,
At last come gladly to that borderland,
Where men lay down all pain and strife.
Oft timorously with sore and fainting hearts
They wait the dipping boatman's oar,
But oh! the pilot there is kind who guides
The boat to that Celestial shore.
And there a king and kingdom without end
Shall be to all as thine and mine,
And never once a discord in His rule,
But always harmony divine.
The palace gates shall not be shut by night,
There hearts shall never beat with fears,
Nor ever ache, for O, the King is kind,
And wipes away all bitter tears.
O New Jerusalem! abode unseen,
Yet now as in all ages past,
Thou art the bourne to which we all must turn,
For all there is to life at last.
There deep and lasting is the law of love,
As all eternity is wide,
And all inhabitants for time and aye
With God himself abide.
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