New Life

Since I have felt upon my face thy tears
I have been consecrated, Dear, to thee.
Cleansed from the stain of hot and frivolous years
By thy white passion, I have bowed the knee,
Worshiping thee as sovereign and as saint,
While with desire all human thou wert leaning
To my long kiss, thy lips and eyes grown faint,
Thy spirit eloquent with love's new meaning.

Since I have seen within thy heart my heaven,
Life has been changed and earth has grown divine.
Hope, health, and wisdom, these thy love hath given,
And if my song have any worth, 't is thine.
Thy hands are benediction, Dear. Thy feet
Are flowers upon the altar of my soul,
Whereat my holiest aspirations meet,
Humble and wondering in thy rapt control.
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