A New Occasional Song
In story we're told
How our Monarchs of old
O'er France spread their royal domain;
But no annals shall show
Her pride laid so low,
As when brave G EORGE the Second did reign,
Brave Boys!
Of Roman and Greek
Let Fame no more speak;
Tho' their arms did the Old World subdue,
Through the nations around
Let her trumpet now sound,
How Britons have conquer'd the New,
Brave Boys!
East, West, North, and South,
Our cannons loud mouth
Shall the rights of our Monarch maintain;
On America 's strand
A MHERST limits the Land,
B OSCAWEN gives law on the Main, Brave Boys!
Each fort, and each town,
We still make our own,
Cape Breton, Crown Point, Niagar;
Guardelupe, Senegal,
And Quebec 's mighty fall,
Shall prove we've no equal in war, Brave Boys!
Though C ONFLANS did boast
He wou'd conquer our coast,
Our thunder soon made Monsieur mute;
Brave H AWKE wing'd his way,
Then pounc'd on his prey,
And gave him an English salute, Brave Boys!
At Minden you know
How we frighten'd the foe,
While homeward their army now steals,
" Though, " they cry, " British bands
" Are too hard for our hands,
" Begar! we can beat them in Heels, Parbleu!
Whilst our Heroes from home
For laurels thus roam,
Should the Flat-bottom'd Boats but appear,
Our Militia shall show
No wooden-shoed foe
Can with Freemen in battle compare, Brave boys!
Your Fortunes and Lives,
Your Children and Wives,
To defend, 'tis the time now or never:
Then let each Volunteer
To the Drum-head repair —
King G EORGE and Old England for ever!
Brave Boys!
In story we're told
How our Monarchs of old
O'er France spread their royal domain;
But no annals shall show
Her pride laid so low,
As when brave G EORGE the Second did reign,
Brave Boys!
Of Roman and Greek
Let Fame no more speak;
Tho' their arms did the Old World subdue,
Through the nations around
Let her trumpet now sound,
How Britons have conquer'd the New,
Brave Boys!
East, West, North, and South,
Our cannons loud mouth
Shall the rights of our Monarch maintain;
On America 's strand
A MHERST limits the Land,
B OSCAWEN gives law on the Main, Brave Boys!
Each fort, and each town,
We still make our own,
Cape Breton, Crown Point, Niagar;
Guardelupe, Senegal,
And Quebec 's mighty fall,
Shall prove we've no equal in war, Brave Boys!
Though C ONFLANS did boast
He wou'd conquer our coast,
Our thunder soon made Monsieur mute;
Brave H AWKE wing'd his way,
Then pounc'd on his prey,
And gave him an English salute, Brave Boys!
At Minden you know
How we frighten'd the foe,
While homeward their army now steals,
" Though, " they cry, " British bands
" Are too hard for our hands,
" Begar! we can beat them in Heels, Parbleu!
Whilst our Heroes from home
For laurels thus roam,
Should the Flat-bottom'd Boats but appear,
Our Militia shall show
No wooden-shoed foe
Can with Freemen in battle compare, Brave boys!
Your Fortunes and Lives,
Your Children and Wives,
To defend, 'tis the time now or never:
Then let each Volunteer
To the Drum-head repair —
King G EORGE and Old England for ever!
Brave Boys!
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