A New Prayer

Men and women, long defeated,
Pray a new prayer on your knees;
Ask no more for love or riches,
Ask no more for fame or ease.
Lift your empty hands to Heaven,
Pray for wisdom, that alone,
Though He watches worlds in motion,
He will hear your faintest tone.
Angels will descend to help you,
Stone by stone shall yet be set,
Slow, persistent, without clamor,
Without sound of workman's hammer,
You shall build your temple yet!

Men and women, long defeated,
Pray a new prayer on your knees;
Ask no more for love or riches,
Ask no more for fame or ease.
Lift your empty hands to Heaven,
Pray for wisdom, that alone,
Though He watches worlds in motion,
He will hear your faintest tone.
Angels will descend to help you,
Stone by stone shall yet be set,
Slow, persistent, without clamor,
Without sound of workman's hammer,
You shall build your temple yet!
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