
Our : braines are asleepe, then fyll vs a cupp
of cappering sacke & clarett;
here is a health to K ing Charles! then drinke it all vp,
his cause will fare better for itt.
did not an ould arke saue noye in a fflood?
why may not a new arke to vs be vs good?
wee dread not their forces, they are all made of wood,
then wheele & turne about againe.

Though all beyond trent be sold to the Scott,
to men of a new p ro testation
if Sandye come there, twill fall to their Lott
to haue a new signed possession;
but if once Lesly gett [them] in his power,
gods Leard! heele play the devill & all!
but let him take heed how hee comes there,
lest Sweetelipps ring him a peale in his eare.

Then tosse itt vp merrilye, fill to the brim!
wee haue a new health to remember;
heeres a health to our garrisons! drinke it to them,
theyle keepe vs all warme in December.
I care not a figg what enemy comes;
for wee doe account them but hop-of-my-thumbes;
for Morrise our prince is coming amaine
to rowte & make them run againe.
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