The News

& now the latest from South Dakota.

the boy in blue pulled up a parking meter this morning & used it to beat a buffalo to death on the main street of Sioux Falls.
where in the name of heaven the great beast came from is anybody's guess.
what was he doing on the wrong side of the street the rampaging avalanche of untidy upholstery with unspeakable liquid mixtures dripping from his black ripped lips.
& the world wonders about that yawing cue.
could it actually have been a penis.

so merciful heaven.
thank you thank you for cops whose winged shields have not yet deprived them of the blessed presence of mind to reach for the nearest bludgeon cudgel or even parking meter with twelve full minutes still left on it & brain that that that.
unmannered beast.
because who knows one may now & again see fit to take off down the main street of Sioux Falls or someplace else why who can say.
mercy me it's anybody's guess.

the confrontation episode took place happened between the morning rush & the lunch hour that slackish time when police officers ordinarily relax.
so Sioux Falls can count itself lucky.
one man was on his toes alert.

for otherwise.
otherwise that unprepossessing creature would could have turned china shops literally.
scenes of unexampled carnage friends & neighbors blasted corner store plate glass into supernovae butterflies snapdragons underinsured maidenheads God-jammed radio stations haywire warfare & anything & everything that can go going.
all out O.

heavy-duty anvils dropped into dishpans & turds berserk in cut-glass punchbowls.
amok undignified foreign-looking unhousebroken plus toting on top of it all a shifting old hump of saturated fat & gristle.
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