Night At Kanchra Para

Night at Kanchra Para. The broken rail-engines are in the depot now.
The cracked boilers puff out long sighs in their rest−
Their movement obstructed. The mechanics then come
And bring molten steel and hammer again and again.
These mechanical devils with the heat of firy steam
Roam day and night in flatland and difficult terrain
On equi-distant rail-lines, cross bridges
And run for destinations in Darjeeling and Assam.

Now wounded they are this evening at Kanchra Para.
Away at a distance civic hopes flicker in red, yellow and blue;
Indomitable lust's hunger due to firy obsession;
Mechanics' womenfolk sing near the depot.

Hammers also lose their aim, pale moon in this dark night,
Kanchra Para is vibrant with women's gesture and dream.

[Translated by Abdur Rashid Khan]

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