Night Piece: the Trojans outside Troy

This speech all Troians did applaud; who from their traces losde
Their sweating horse; which severally with headstals they reposde,
And fastned by their chariots; when others brought from towne
Fat sheepe and oxen, instantly; bread, wine; and hewed downe
Huge store of wood: the winds transferd, into the friendly skie,
Their suppers savour; to the which, they sate delightfully,
And spent all night in open field; fires round about them shinde;
As when about the silver Moone, when aire is free from winde,
And stars shine cleare; to whose sweete beames, high prospects, and the brows
Of all steepe hils and pinnacles, thrust up themselves for showes;
And even the lowly vallies joy, to glitter in their sight,
When the unmeasur'd firmament bursts to disclose her light,
And all the signes in heaven are seene, that glad the shepheard's hart;
So many fires disclosde their beames, made by the Troian part,
Before the face of Ilion ; and her bright turrets show'd.
A thousand courts of guard kept fires: and every guard allow'd
Fiftie stout men, by whom their horse eate oates and hard white corne,
And all did wilfully expect the silver-throned morne.
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