Nil Admirari, Etc
H ORACE and Creech,
Thus do ye teach?
What idle speech!
Pope! and could you
Sanction it too?
'Twill never do.
One idle pen
Writes it, and ten
Write it agen.
Sages require
Much to admire;
Nought to desire.
God! grant thou me,
Nature to see
Lo! how the wise,
Read in her eyes,
Thy mysteries!
Thus do ye teach?
What idle speech!
Pope! and could you
Sanction it too?
'Twill never do.
One idle pen
Writes it, and ten
Write it agen.
Sages require
Much to admire;
Nought to desire.
God! grant thou me,
Nature to see
Lo! how the wise,
Read in her eyes,
Thy mysteries!
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