No. 12
No. XII.
O H ! while eternal Ages roll,
Be Thou supreme, above Controul!
Be absolute! Thy sovereign Will
Be done! for oh! 'tis righteous still.
Thy Favours where thou wilt, dispense;
With calm, implicit Confidence,
I own Thy Reasons just and good,
Ev'n where they are not understood
By cavilling Wit. Oh! be Thy Will
The Rule of Thy Procedure still.
Though perverse Mortals, blind and vain,
Thy Dispensations dare arraign;
Yet self-approv'd, self-guided, rule
Th' Affairs of this dependent Whole :
No do Thou stoop to satisfy
The haughty Worms that ask Thee why .
For me , behold I helpless stand
At the Disposal of Thy Hand:
A Piece of mean polluted Clay,
Thou may'st chuse or cast away:
Thou may'st absolve my flagrant Guilt,
Or bind it on me, as Thou wilt.
Though Thou should'st blast me with Thy Frown,
Thy sovereign Justice I must own,
Thy Justice I must still acquit,
Against myself Thine Advocate.
But (Oh! how shall I praise Thy Name!)
Submission here Thou dost not claim:
The Wheels of Duty and Self-Love
In the same Tract harmonious move,
Thy dread Authority requires
Me to escape eternal Fires:
Thy Law commands me to be blest;
My Duty is my Interest.
My Mis'ry is my wilful Sin,
Forbid by that kind Will of Thine.
Accomplish then Thy sovereign Will,
For oh! 'tis good and righteous still.
Thou'rt just, whate'er become of me,
And all Thy Ways from Censure free.
O H ! while eternal Ages roll,
Be Thou supreme, above Controul!
Be absolute! Thy sovereign Will
Be done! for oh! 'tis righteous still.
Thy Favours where thou wilt, dispense;
With calm, implicit Confidence,
I own Thy Reasons just and good,
Ev'n where they are not understood
By cavilling Wit. Oh! be Thy Will
The Rule of Thy Procedure still.
Though perverse Mortals, blind and vain,
Thy Dispensations dare arraign;
Yet self-approv'd, self-guided, rule
Th' Affairs of this dependent Whole :
No do Thou stoop to satisfy
The haughty Worms that ask Thee why .
For me , behold I helpless stand
At the Disposal of Thy Hand:
A Piece of mean polluted Clay,
Thou may'st chuse or cast away:
Thou may'st absolve my flagrant Guilt,
Or bind it on me, as Thou wilt.
Though Thou should'st blast me with Thy Frown,
Thy sovereign Justice I must own,
Thy Justice I must still acquit,
Against myself Thine Advocate.
But (Oh! how shall I praise Thy Name!)
Submission here Thou dost not claim:
The Wheels of Duty and Self-Love
In the same Tract harmonious move,
Thy dread Authority requires
Me to escape eternal Fires:
Thy Law commands me to be blest;
My Duty is my Interest.
My Mis'ry is my wilful Sin,
Forbid by that kind Will of Thine.
Accomplish then Thy sovereign Will,
For oh! 'tis good and righteous still.
Thou'rt just, whate'er become of me,
And all Thy Ways from Censure free.
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