No Rest, Until Freedom Reigns

Sisters! our free-born hearts are swelling
With joys, no slave can ever know;
Our free-born tongues delight in telling
The birthright blessings we can show;
Then let these hearts and tongues unite,
To seek our injur'd sister's right.

Lift, like a trumpet, lift your voices,
Mothers and wives, devoid of guile!
Till ev'ry bondman's wife rejoices,
And ev'ry mother learns to smile,
And feel that feeling, now unknown,
Her child — her husband — all HER OWN !

No empty dream, no passing vision,
Shall o'er our slumb'ring senses creep;
Till we have burst the bondman's prison
And laid his fetters in the deep;
Till ev'ry son of Afric be,
What God has made him — free — FREE — FREE.

Daughters of Freedom! let us never
The cry for Liberty give o'er,
Till Slavery sinks — and sinks for ever,
Till man shall wear a chain no more —
Save ONE — whose lasting links shall bind,
In BONDS OF LOVE , all human kind!
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