Noah's Carpenters

Many hundred years ago,
They ventured to remark,
That Noah had some carpenters
To help him build the Ark.
But sad to say on that last day,
When Noah entered in,
Those carpenters were left outside
And perished in their sin.

How sad to think they may have helped
To build the Ark so great!
Yet still they heeded not God's Word,
And awful was their fate.
To-day the same sad state exists
Among the sons of men;
They help to build the so-called church,
Who are not born again.

They stay behind for sacrament,
They work, they sing, they pray;
Yet never have accepted Christ,
The Life, the Truth, the Way.
Another Judgment Day will come,
As sure as came the flood,
And only those will be secure.
Who shelter 'neath Christ's blood.
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