Noon and the Sea

I saw my Lover go down to the sea,
Beauty to beauty and grace to grace,
Meet with her, greet her, gorgeously take her—
Two equal majesties face to face!

What was the frenzy of desperate waters
Lawless of man,
To him joyous and pagan?
Wild, free, afraid not,
Wide-breasted he dared her—
Passion to passion he took and was taken,
Deep full embraced in the fathomless ocean.
Master and Lord of her craving eternal.

Life unto life and power to power,
Strength unto strength, I saw them mingle,
Clasping and cleaving together the closer—
Calm in the rage of reiterant struggle,
Worsted and worsting,
Unslaked, unabating,
Unwonted, unweakened, untrammelled, undaunted—
Two savage wrestlers,
Two tameless forces,
Two equal Lovers immortally mating!
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