Not many dayes after, he chaunced to walke with the same Gentilwoman -
Not many dayes after, he chaunced to walke with the same Gentilwoman in a Garden: and was againe then intreated by her, to make her another prayer, which presently he pend: speaking with the tearmes of a Gardiner, as followeth.
Plant L ORDE , in me the tree of godly lyfe,
Hedge me about with thy stronge fence of faith:
If thee it please, vse eke thy proyning knife,
Least that, oh L ORD , as a good Gardiner saith:
If suckers draw the sappe from bowes on hie
Perhaps in tyme the top of tree may die.
Let, L ORD , this tree be set within thy Garden wall
Of Paradise where growes no one ill sprig at all
Plant L ORDE , in me the tree of godly lyfe,
Hedge me about with thy stronge fence of faith:
If thee it please, vse eke thy proyning knife,
Least that, oh L ORD , as a good Gardiner saith:
If suckers draw the sappe from bowes on hie
Perhaps in tyme the top of tree may die.
Let, L ORD , this tree be set within thy Garden wall
Of Paradise where growes no one ill sprig at all
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