[Now Listen, Ye Leaders of Women]
Now listen, ye leaders of women whose lives and whose motives are pure;
And who seek as yet blindly and wildly for the evils of this land a cure,
There is work that you know not before you must be done by the voice and the pen:
Look you well to the ranks of your sisters, ere you speak of the vileness of men!
(And mind, I'm no hater of women — as I would be judged justly above;
Even I might have died in the gutter were it not for a good woman's love.
Spite of some things that make the heart bitter, and of wrongs a man might not forget,
I could kneel down and weep — yes, and pray at the throne of pure Womanhood yet.)
There is work that you know not before you, there are things that in blindness you miss.
There's a horrible swift spreading ulcer that is found in no country but this. . . .
And who seek as yet blindly and wildly for the evils of this land a cure,
There is work that you know not before you must be done by the voice and the pen:
Look you well to the ranks of your sisters, ere you speak of the vileness of men!
(And mind, I'm no hater of women — as I would be judged justly above;
Even I might have died in the gutter were it not for a good woman's love.
Spite of some things that make the heart bitter, and of wrongs a man might not forget,
I could kneel down and weep — yes, and pray at the throne of pure Womanhood yet.)
There is work that you know not before you, there are things that in blindness you miss.
There's a horrible swift spreading ulcer that is found in no country but this. . . .
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