O holy Jerusalem, Vision of peace


 O holy Jerusalem, Vision of peace,
Fairest of royal seats, City of Christ,
Homeland of angels, in thee for ever
Rest the souls of the righteous alone
In glory exulting. No sign of sin
In that city-dwelling shall ever be seen;
But from thee all evil shall flee afar,
All trouble and toil. Thou art wondrously filled
With holy hope, as thy name is named.
 Lift up thine eyes on the wide Creation,
The dome of heaven, on every hand;
Behold His coming: The King of glory
Himself approaches to seek thee out,
To abide in thee, as the blessed prophets
In their books foretold the birth of the Christ,
To thy comfort spoke, thou fairest of cities!
Now is the Babe come born to transform
The works of the Hebrews. He brings thee bliss,
Looses the bonds that lie upon men;
For He it is knows the harrowing need,
How man in his wretchedness waits for mercy.
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