O Noble Festus
Am : I mad, O noble ffestus,
when zeale & godlye knowledge
put me in hope to deale w i th the Pope
as well as the best in the Colledge?
Boldlye I preacht " war & cross war a surplus,
miters, copes, & rochetts!
come heare me pray 9 times a day,
& ffill yo u r head w i th crochetts. "
In the house of pure Emanuell
I had my educatyon,
till my ffreinds did surmise I dazled my eyes
w i th the light of reuelation
Boldlye I preacht &c.
The bound me like [a] bedlam,
& lash[t] my 4 poore quarters.
while this does endure, ffaith makes me sure
to be one of ffox his Martyres.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
These iniuryes I sufferd
w i th Antich[r]ists p er swasion.
lett loose my chaine! neither Roome nor Spaine
can w i thstand my strong inuasyon.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I assailed the seauen-hild Cittye
where I mett the great redd dragon;
I kept him alooffe w i th the armor prooffe
thoughe now I haue neuer a ragg on.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
w i th a ffiery sword and Targett,
twice ffought I w i th this monster;
but the sonnes of pryde my zeale doe deryde,
& all my deeds misconster.
Boldly I preacht &c.
I vnhorset the hore of Babell
w i th the Launce of Inspiration;
I made her stinke, & spill the drinke
in the Cupp of abbominatyon.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
ffrom the beast w i th 10 hornes, Lord blesse vs,
I haue plucket of 3 allreadye;
if theyle Lett me alone, Ile leaue him none;
but they say I am to headye.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I saw 2 in the visyon,
w i th a fflying booke betweene them.
I haue beene in dispaire 5 times in a yeere,
& beene cured by reading Greenham
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I haue read in Perkins table
the blacke Line of damnatyon;
these crooked vaines long stucke in my braines,
that I ffeared my reprob a c i on.
Boldlye I preacht &c
I haue read in Perkins table
the blacke Line of damnatyon;
these crooked vaines long stucke in my braines,
that I ffeared my reprob a c i on.
Boldlye I preacht &c
I was before the Archbishoppe
& all the hye Comissyon;
I gaue him no grace, but told him to his fface
tha t he ffauoured sup er stition.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
when zeale & godlye knowledge
put me in hope to deale w i th the Pope
as well as the best in the Colledge?
Boldlye I preacht " war & cross war a surplus,
miters, copes, & rochetts!
come heare me pray 9 times a day,
& ffill yo u r head w i th crochetts. "
In the house of pure Emanuell
I had my educatyon,
till my ffreinds did surmise I dazled my eyes
w i th the light of reuelation
Boldlye I preacht &c.
The bound me like [a] bedlam,
& lash[t] my 4 poore quarters.
while this does endure, ffaith makes me sure
to be one of ffox his Martyres.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
These iniuryes I sufferd
w i th Antich[r]ists p er swasion.
lett loose my chaine! neither Roome nor Spaine
can w i thstand my strong inuasyon.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I assailed the seauen-hild Cittye
where I mett the great redd dragon;
I kept him alooffe w i th the armor prooffe
thoughe now I haue neuer a ragg on.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
w i th a ffiery sword and Targett,
twice ffought I w i th this monster;
but the sonnes of pryde my zeale doe deryde,
& all my deeds misconster.
Boldly I preacht &c.
I vnhorset the hore of Babell
w i th the Launce of Inspiration;
I made her stinke, & spill the drinke
in the Cupp of abbominatyon.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
ffrom the beast w i th 10 hornes, Lord blesse vs,
I haue plucket of 3 allreadye;
if theyle Lett me alone, Ile leaue him none;
but they say I am to headye.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I saw 2 in the visyon,
w i th a fflying booke betweene them.
I haue beene in dispaire 5 times in a yeere,
& beene cured by reading Greenham
Boldlye I preacht &c.
I haue read in Perkins table
the blacke Line of damnatyon;
these crooked vaines long stucke in my braines,
that I ffeared my reprob a c i on.
Boldlye I preacht &c
I haue read in Perkins table
the blacke Line of damnatyon;
these crooked vaines long stucke in my braines,
that I ffeared my reprob a c i on.
Boldlye I preacht &c
I was before the Archbishoppe
& all the hye Comissyon;
I gaue him no grace, but told him to his fface
tha t he ffauoured sup er stition.
Boldlye I preacht &c.
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