Oblong Square — True to Perfect Answer -
Oblong square — True TO P ERFECT A NGLES .
Blessed the man who walks not by advice
Of the ungodly, and who standeth not
In the way of sinners, nor in scorner's seat
Doth sit; but in the law of God delights,
And meditates thereon, both day and night;
He shall be like a fruitful, spreading tree,
Planted on river's brink; his fruit shall come
In season, and his leaf shall never fade;
Such are the blessings promised in the Law,
To those who duly form the O BLONG S QUARE .
Blessed the man who walks not by advice
Of the ungodly, and who standeth not
In the way of sinners, nor in scorner's seat
Doth sit; but in the law of God delights,
And meditates thereon, both day and night;
He shall be like a fruitful, spreading tree,
Planted on river's brink; his fruit shall come
In season, and his leaf shall never fade;
Such are the blessings promised in the Law,
To those who duly form the O BLONG S QUARE .
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