Obscure, unpriz'd, and dark, the magnet lies
199 Tuesday, 11 February 1752
Decolor, obscurus, vilis, non ille repexam
Caesariem Regum, nec candida virginis ornat
Colla, nec insigni splendet per cingula morsu;
Sed nova si nigri videas miracula Saxi,
Tunc superat pulchros cultus, et quicquid Eois
Indus Littoribus rubra scrutatur in alga.
Claudianus [XLVIII 10 15]
Obscure, unpriz'd, and dark, the magnet lies,
Nor lures the search of avaricious eyes,
Nor binds the neck, nor sparkles in the hair,
Nor dignifies the great, nor decks the fair.
But search the wonders of the dusky stone,
And own all glories of the mine outdone,
Each grace of form, each ornament of state,
That decks the fair, or dignifies the great.
Decolor, obscurus, vilis, non ille repexam
Caesariem Regum, nec candida virginis ornat
Colla, nec insigni splendet per cingula morsu;
Sed nova si nigri videas miracula Saxi,
Tunc superat pulchros cultus, et quicquid Eois
Indus Littoribus rubra scrutatur in alga.
Claudianus [XLVIII 10 15]
Obscure, unpriz'd, and dark, the magnet lies,
Nor lures the search of avaricious eyes,
Nor binds the neck, nor sparkles in the hair,
Nor dignifies the great, nor decks the fair.
But search the wonders of the dusky stone,
And own all glories of the mine outdone,
Each grace of form, each ornament of state,
That decks the fair, or dignifies the great.
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